Monday May 28th: Annual General Meeting & Pizza Party

Many thanks to everyone who attended the Valley Royals Annual General Meeting & Pizza Party. Lots of people signed the attendance pages at the AGM which were submitted with our Funding Grant application for 2018. Ivon Gill said his farewell as President and a new Board was elected: President: Monica Carsience, Vice President: James Porpaczy, Secretary: Dawn Driver, Treasurer: Debbie Foote, Director: Anna Maria Molina, Director: Nicki Pankiw. Club Jacket & Singlet orders were taken and six displays were featured showing info & photos about: Practice Groups, The Board of Directors, Valley Royals in the News, Club-Hosted Meets, Volunteer Opportunities and Fundraising & Sponsorship. (All of these displays featured info that can be found on the Valley Royals Website)